+1 vote
in Enzyme Technology by (55.0k points)
The time at which specific analyte elute out is termed as _________

(a) Km

(b) half-life

(c) retention time

(d) pKa

I got this question by my school principal while I was bunking the class.

The above asked question is from Enzymes Purification in section Enzymes Purification of Enzyme Technology

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (727k points)
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Best answer
Right option is (c) retention time

The best explanation: The time at which specific analyte elute out is referred to as retention time and is the characteristic of that analyte. pKa is the pH at which half of the groups are ionized. Half-life is the time which is required the activity to reduce to half of its original activity. Km is the substrate concentration at which Vmax is reduced to half.

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