+1 vote
in Linear Integrated Circuits by (39.8k points)
Express the output voltage equation of divider circuit

(a) Vo= -(Vref/2)×(Vz/Vx)

(b) Vo= -(2×Vref)×(Vz/Vx)

(c) Vo= -(Vref)×(Vz/Vx)

(d) Vo= -Vref^2×(Vz/Vx)

The question was asked by my school teacher while I was bunking the class.

This intriguing question originated from Multiplier and Divider topic in section Operational Amplifier Applications of Linear Integrated Circuits

1 Answer

0 votes
by (6.5k points)

The correct answer is:

(a) Vo=−Vref2×VzVxV_o = -\frac{V_{\text{ref}}}{2} \times \frac{V_z}{V_x}


In a typical op-amp-based divider circuit, the output voltage is proportional to the ratio of two input voltages VzV_z (numerator) and VxV_x (denominator), scaled by a reference voltage VrefV_{\text{ref}}. The circuit uses a multiplier and feedback configuration, leading to the given output equation.

  1. VoV_o: Output voltage.
  2. VrefV_{\text{ref}}: Reference voltage provided by the circuit.
  3. VzV_z: Voltage to be divided (numerator).
  4. VxV_x: Dividing voltage (denominator).

The term −Vref2-\frac{V_{\text{ref}}}{2} accounts for the circuit's design, including feedback and scaling.

Why this option?

The negative sign arises from the inverting nature of the operational amplifier configuration. The scaling factor (Vref2\frac{V_{\text{ref}}}{2}) is a result of the resistor and feedback network design.

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