+1 vote
in Machine Dynamics by (34.3k points)
If OC is the crank and PC is the connecting rod rotating in clockwise direction in the figure given below, then triangle OCM is known as _________

(a) Klein’s velocity diagram

(b) Klein’s acceleration diagram

(c) Bennett’ velocity diagram

(d) Bennett’ acceleration diagram

I had been asked this question in my homework.

I'm obligated to ask this question of Bennett’s Construction topic in portion Inertia Forces in Reciprocating Parts of Machine Dynamics

1 Answer

0 votes
by (38.6k points)
Correct answer is (c) Bennett’ velocity diagram

To elaborate: Since the crank is rotating in the clockwise direction, then the velocity of C will be perpendicular to OC and it’s value is given by w^2.OC, hence triangle OCM forms a velocity polygon.

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