+1 vote
in Machine Dynamics by (34.3k points)
The flywheel of a steam engine has a mass moment of inertia of 2500 Kg-m^2. The starting torque of the steam engine is 1500 N-m and may be assumed constant, using this data find the angular acceleration of the flywheel in rad/s^2.

(a) 0.4

(b) 0.6

(c) 0.3

(d) 1.2

This question was addressed to me at a job interview.

I'm obligated to ask this question of Turning Moment Diagram for a Multicylinder Engine topic in chapter Turning Moment Diagrams and Flywheel of Machine Dynamics

1 Answer

0 votes
by (38.6k points)
Right choice is (a) 0.4

To elaborate: We know that T = I.α

T = 1500 Nm (constant )

I = 2500 kg-m^2

therefore, &aplpha; = 15/25 = 0.6 rad/s^2.

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