+1 vote
in Linear Integrated Circuits by (39.8k points)
Select the order in which the frequency should be maintained to enhance the stability of differentiator? Where fa -> Frequency at which gain =0 ; fb -> Gain limit frequency ; fc -> Unity gain bandwidth.

(a) fa < fb < fc

(b) fa > fb > fc

(c) fb < fc > fa

(d) fb < fc < fa

This question was posed to me in examination.

This is a very interesting question from Differentiator in section Operational Amplifier Applications of Linear Integrated Circuits

1 Answer

0 votes
by (39.8k points)
The accurate answer is (a) fa < fb < fc

Grasp the essence with: The value of internal resistor and capacitor and feedback resistor and capacitor of the differentiator values should be selected such that fa < fb < fc to make the circuit more stable.

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