+1 vote
in Food Packaging Technology by (63.0k points)
The term ECF in chlorine bleaching stands for _________ bleaching.

(a) Elemental chromium free

(b) Estimated chlorine free

(c) Essential chlorine free

(d) Elemental chlorine free

The question was posed to me in semester exam.

My doubt is from Pulping, Digestion and Bleaching topic in portion Paper and Paper Based Packaging Materials of Food Packaging Technology

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (194k points)
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Best answer
The correct choice is (d) Elemental chlorine free

The explanation: The term ECF in chlorine bleaching stands for elemental chlorine free bleaching. Chlorine bleaching was identified as the major source of polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans compounds. In addition to dioxins and furans, a host of other chlorinated organic compounds (known collectively as adsorbable organic halides or AOX) are formed during chlorine bleaching. Strict regulations now limit the production of these chlorinated compounds, resulting in a move away from molecular chlorine bleaching to chlorine dioxide, so-called ECF or elemental chlorine free bleaching.

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