+1 vote
in Irrigation Engineering by (75.2k points)
Which of the following statement is incorrect about Non-gravity weir?

(a) The weir floor is designed continuous with the divide piers as a reinforced structure

(b) The weight of the concrete slab balances the uplift pressure

(c) The weight of the divide piers also keep the structure against uplift

(d) Brick piers have to be used in place of RCC

I had been asked this question in a dream while sleeping

Asked question is from Diversion Head Works in section Diversion Head Works, Hydraulic Jump Usefulness in Irrigation Structure of Irrigation Engineering

1 Answer

0 votes
by (106k points)
Right option is (d) Brick piers have to be used in place of RCC

Best explanation: The weir floor and divide-pier are designed as a reinforced structure continuously. The RCC has to be used in place of brick piers and as the weight of the floor can be much less than that of gravity weir, considerable savings are obtained.

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