+1 vote
in Environmental Biotechnology by (64.7k points)
Which of the following methods does not lead to the generation of mine wastes?

(a) Extraction of minerals

(b) Beneficiation of minerals

(c) Processing of minerals

(d) Remediation of mine waste

This question was posed to me in an online interview.

My question is based upon Management of Mine Waste Soil in section Management and Remediation of Problem Soil of Environmental Biotechnology

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (736k points)
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Best answer
The correct choice is (d) Remediation of mine waste

Easiest explanation: Generated mine wastes is caused as a result of various human activities of extraction the minerals from the Earth like Extraction of minerals, Beneficiation of minerals and Processing of mineral but remediation of mineral waste does not generate waste but help in reducing the mine wastes.

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