+1 vote
in Food Engineering by (93.8k points)
Which of the following steps is not included in hard-smoked salmon procedure?

(a) Soaking in fresh water for a few hours to remove slight excess salt

(b) Hard-salted salmon must be soaked for 24-48 hours

(c) After the salmon has been split into two sides with backbone removed and thoroughly cleaned, it is salted in barrels for 3-4 days

(d) None of the mentioned

The question was posed to me in a national level competition.

This intriguing question comes from Principles of Food Pickling and Curing-1 topic in portion Principles of Semi-Moist Foods, Principles of Food Preservation by Fermentation, Principles of Food Pickling and Curing and Principles of Food Storage Stability of Food Engineering

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (380k points)
selected by
Best answer
Correct choice is (d) None of the mentioned

To explain: All of the mentioned steps are included in hard-smoked salmon procedure.

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