Which of the following equations is the correct expression for shear force (V) in an element, given the modulus of elasticity (E), moment of inertia (I), element length (le), displacement (q) in a uniformly distributed load on a simply supported beam?
(a) V=\(\frac{EI}{(le)^3}\)(2q1+leq2-2q3+leq4)
(b) V=\(\frac{EI}{(le)^2}\)(2q1+leq2-2q3+leq4)
(c) V=\(\frac{EI}{(le)^2}\)(2q1+leq2+2q3+leq4)
(d) V=\(\frac{EI}{(le)^3}\)(2q1+leq2+2q3+leq4)
I got this question in exam.
Question is taken from Shear Force & Bending Moment topic in division Beams and Frames of Finite Element Method