+2 votes
in Finite Element Method by (110k points)
In the Finite Element Method (FEM), if the geometry is represented by elements of a higher order than those used to approximate the field displacement variables, then it is called super-parametric formulation.

(a) True

(b) False

This question was posed to me during a job interview.

Origin of the question is Library of Elements and Interpolation Functions in division Interpolation Functions, Numerical Integration and Modelling Considerations of Finite Element Method

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (185k points)
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Best answer
The correct answer is (a) True

The explanation: In super-parametric formulations, the geometry is represented by elements of a higher order than those used to approximate the dependent variables. In sub-parametric formulations, the geometry is represented by elements of a lower order than those used to approximate the dependent variable. The beam element provides an example of this category. In iso-parametric formulations (which are the most common in practice), the same element is used to approximate the geometry as well as the dependent unknowns.

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