+1 vote
in Finite Element Method by (110k points)
Using the connectivity of the elements, the internal virtual work can be expressed in the form _____

(a) Ψ^T=KQ

(b) Ψ^T=K

(c) KQ=F

(d) σ=Dε

I got this question during an internship interview.

The doubt is from Finite Element Modelling in portion Axis Symmetric Solids Subjected to Axis Symmetric Loading of Finite Element Method

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (185k points)
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Best answer
Right choice is (a) Ψ^T=KQ

To explain: The principle of virtual work states that in equilibrium the virtual work of the forces applied to a system is zero. Newton’s laws state that at equilibrium the applied forces are equal and opposite of the reaction, or constraint forces.

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