Design a channel carrying a 30 cumecs. The median grain diameter is taken as 0.5 mm. The bedload concentration is 60 p.p.m by weight. Use Lacey’s Regime perimeter and Meyer-peter’s formulas.
(a) B = 26 m, S = 1/5600, y = 1.25 m
(b) B = 22 m, S = 1/5800, y = 1.55 m
(c) B = 24 m, S = 1/5500, y = 1.45 m
(d) B = 25 m, S = 1/5700, y = 1.35 m
I have been asked this question in an interview for internship.
I'm obligated to ask this question of Sediment Transport topic in chapter Sediment Transport and Irrigation Channels Design of Irrigation Engineering