+1 vote
in Machine Dynamics by (34.3k points)
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Torsional dynamometer.

(a) Conversion of energy into heat

(b) Conversion of energy into work

(c) Utilization of engine power

(d) Energy can be either utilized to do work or can be reused.

I got this question in a job interview.

This is a very interesting question from Types of Dynamometers topic in division Brakes and Dynamometers of Machine Dynamics

1 Answer

0 votes
by (38.6k points)
Right choice is (a) Conversion of energy into heat

Explanation: Torsional dynamometer is a transmission dynamometer as a result the energy is not wasted in friction but is used for doing work. In case of absorption dynamometers, the energy is wasted into heat.

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