+1 vote
in Mass Transfer by (39.8k points)
If there is no reflux to a fractionating column then

(a) Large condenser size is needed

(b) Less reboiler size needed

(c) Minimum number of trays

(d) None of the mentioned

The question was asked in an internship interview.

I'd like to ask this question from Design of Fractionator with Mc-cabe Thiele Method in division Distillation of Mass Transfer

1 Answer

0 votes
by (39.8k points)
The correct choice is (a) Large condenser size is needed

The best I can explain: Because if there is no reflux stream to the continuous distillation column then the entire vapour product after condensed from the condenser  becomes a distillate but practically it is not possible but as per the theory in order to get all the vapour as distillate the condenser must be so large which is economically cost more.

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