+1 vote
in Machine Dynamics by (34.3k points)
The automatic control of the displacement or velocity or acceleration of a member of a machine is called as

(a) regulator

(b) kinetic control

(c) feed back

(d) error detector

The question was asked in semester exam.

Asked question is from Automatic Control topic in portion Automatic Control of Machine Dynamics

1 Answer

0 votes
by (38.6k points)
Right option is (b) kinetic control

The explanation is: The device used to keep the variables at a constant desired value is called as regulator. The instrument measuring the output of the machine for comparison with the input to the machine is known as feedback. The automatic control of the displacement or velocity or acceleration of a member of a machine is called as kinetic control. A differential device used to measure the actual controlled quantity and to compare it continuously with the desired value is called error detector.

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