+2 votes
in Environmental Biotechnology by (64.7k points)
Off-site soil remediation is called as ________

(a) Ex-situ technique

(b) Conformational protection

(c) Global warming

(d) In-situ technique

This question was addressed to me during an interview.

My doubt is from Problem Soil Management & Remediation topic in section Management and Remediation of Problem Soil of Environmental Biotechnology

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (736k points)
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Best answer
Correct option is (d) In-situ technique

Best explanation: Ex-situ technique refers to off-site treatment of soil contaminants by removing the soil from the site, In-situ technique refers to on-site treatment of soil contaminants, Nitrogenase is protected by complexing with a specific leg-hemoglobin protein known as conformational protection, global warming leads to increase in temperature.

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