+1 vote
in Environmental Biotechnology by (64.7k points)
What does ∆t depicts in the given formula: C = Cmax Δt/B + Δt?

(a) t-t0

(b) t0-t

(c) C-C0

(d) C0-C

I had been asked this question in semester exam.

I would like to ask this question from The Process of Toxicants Uptake: Kinetic Aspect topic in chapter Bioaccumulation of Toxicants of Environmental Biotechnology

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (736k points)
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Best answer
Right answer is (a) t-t0

Explanation: ∆t=t-t0 i.e. the difference in exposure time to exposure beginning time.

t=Exposure end time

t0=Exposure beginning time C=0

C=Concentration of xenobiotic in organism, at steady-state

B=The initial concentration of the xenobiotic present in the organism at the time of exposure.

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